Port Angeles, WA

Posts filed under: The Frabjus Lady

The Frabjus Lady

The Lady and the Carpenter is named for two people. Both with different views on life This category is the Lady’s views on cooking, gardening and all the different practical ways to use many of the simple quality tools that the Carpenter makes such as wooden Clothespins, tampers, mallets, cribbage boards, wall art. We both believe that the items we possess should bring joy to our lives and be easy to use.

The Future of Kevin’s Quality Clothespins.

What’s Next for Lady and the Carpenter? Life has a way of throwing curve balls you would never expect. What...

Fermented Chives: How to use chives.

Fermented Chives: How to use Chives As many of you know I have decided to try out some fermenting. Since...

Fun low-cost Activities in the Pacific Northwest

Exploring the Pacific Northwest I LOVE living in the Pacific Northwest. There are so many fun, low-cost activities to do...

14 Ways to use a Wood Mallet: A Valuable Tool for Any Home

What do you use a Wood Mallet for?  I can’t count how many times I have been at a fair...

Making the Perfect Pie Crust

Keeping it Simple: Making the Perfect Pie Crust. Pie Dough… it was something I hesitated for years to make. Several...