Port Angeles, WA

All posts by: Hilary Jones

Seed Saving and a Giveaway.

Anticipating Spring: Seed Saving Giveaway Since I am in need of some fun and inspiration I figured you may like...

Recycled Milk Jugs??

Recycled Milk Jugs?? Recycling is one of those things that is important to our house and lifestyle. With three kids...

Rope Making Machine and Giving

Since any kind of outside work has been on hold the Carpenter due to our crazy amount of snowy weather....

Making the Best Clothespin: Small Improvements for Big Results

WOW!!! The Best Clothespin is HERE!! A couple months back we asked our customers an important question: Is there any...

Garden Video Tour

Summer is a busy time here at Lady and the Carpenter. Not only is it a busy time for selling...