Port Angeles, WA

All posts by: Hilary Jones

Wood Flower Pot Makeover

I wanted to transplant this azalea plant that I brought home from my grandmothers memorial. It was root bound but...

Rhubarb Abundance: Rhubarb Sweet Rolls

  This scrumptious looking sweet roll was the tasty result of my latest rhubarb recipe exploration…...

Rhubarb Abundance: Rhubarb Cake Recipe

As I have shared before I have a HUGE abundance of rhubarb. Time to experiment…...

Nature explorations

The kids have loved finding our springtime guests and I love seeing the world through their eyes. We have lots...

Rhubarb Bounty!

The new house we moved into has an insane amount of rhubarb. I have been excited but as I wandered...