Port Angeles, WA

All posts by: Hilary Jones

Rabbits and From the Farm Blog Hop: Week 1

Hello Everyone! It has been a crazy week here! Between homeschooling, regular household stuff, Website related stuff, Kickstarter Campaign,  a...

Getting Ready for Spring

Between our sessions of “liquid sunshine” we are getting ready for Spring. Life is one big experiment. I set up...

Laundry, Clothespins and a Giveaway…

As you many of you know we have headed into a new adventure through our Kickstarter Campaign (We have only 25...

Helping us Reach a Dream…Kickstarter

“Creating a Clothespin you can LOVE” WOOHOO!!! Come check out our campaign and the GREAT rewards that you can  receive!  Also...

Bird Nest Necklaces

I am part of a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group that gets together twice a month. One of the crafts...