I have been having one of those Mom days where the kids are making me crazy!

My three year old seems to think she needs to say my name about 10 times in a row to get my attention and then gives me an obvious observation (don’t get me wrong. She is absolutely adorable). My two oldest have a love you hate you relationship and this morning the fast swing from one to the other mades my head spin. So surrounded by them and loads of laundry I started to get grumpy.

That is when I decided “Time for my happy place!” For now that is my garden. You have to realize that is amazing for me. I have never been much of a gardener but have come to love it in my little organized plant sanctuary. There is a gate and it is in sight of the play area.  Ahhh….. “Go play and let Mommy have a minute…”

While watering the plants I took some pictures of some of the things that brought me delight. Thought you might enjoy them…

Nasturtiums in the garden

I planted some nasturtiums on the garden to attract pollinators. They are so pretty! I think next year I will plant a bunch around the property. I love how they look like flower sunshine.

Green bean pickingFirst handful of green beansI picked my first handful of green beans for the season. Look at those little beauties.

SQUIRREL moment!!  along with this comes a question. Hoping I have some savvy gardeners reading this….

Beans on trellis

Why is it that last year my trellis seemed to be brimming with leaves and activity all the way up to the top by the time I started harvesting beans last year but they haven’t filled in so much this year???

On to more things that I found beautiful today… see I warned you it was a squirrel moment…

Snatching my harvest

Yes, even though the kids make me want to scream sometimes I do enjoy them. I gave them a cup full of sugar snap peas and they were gone in minutes. She’s trying to snatch another….

green tomatoes

I love seeing little green tomatoes peeking through the vines.


I have been able to harvest about 5 little zucchinis so far. Yea! This is very exciting for me….and there is another baby growing… Despite what people have shared about their zucchini plants producing more than enough squash, I have not had much success in the past.

Hanging garlic

Hanging garlic

Last of all this the a picture of my hanging/curing garlic that I had the opportunity to glean this last week.  I love getting food from the field or garden.

Well, on to the rest of the day.  Nice to be reminded to be thankful and enjoy simple things.

-The Frabjus Lady