So, I have been contemplating having a blog for a while now and here it is… the beginning….
I am finding starting a blog is kind of like having my first child (minus the need for medicationJ ) When I was pregnant with my first child I picked up several books to help me be a better mother. I wanted to be ready when that boy came into the world. I was going to be super Mom. Then reality set in really quick. I came home with my new little boy and was suddenly overwhelmed! What do I do with this little baby that cries? Am I doing this right? What if I mess him up? Why do I feel so inadequate and overwhelmed? Does he need to be on a schedule? How will I know what he needs?
That is when my Mom saved me. She took the book out of my hand and said “Hilary put the book down and just enjoy your son. Find out who he is. Go with the flow. Relax. Pick up the book again in a couple months. You can set a schedule then.” Of course, those weren’t her exact words but that was the gist.
So what does this have to do with blogging? Well, I have picked up my books. I have researched and made my brain hurt. I still have only a slight clue of how to do a blog. I have overwhelmed myself and realized that I just need to chill and enjoy it.
I am once again taking my mother’s advice. I am putting the books aside, giving a few months and enjoying the process. Here we go…Ready or not.
So, hello to all reading this! Whether you are reading this in my first weeks online or years from now, I hope you find the blog inspiring, fun and even a bit educational (the teacher in me just can’t help adding that one). May God bless us on our journey.
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